
Gothic Lolita : Princesses d'aujour'hui

Today I found something interesting. As I'm writing my master paper about the gothic & lolita fashion style, I'm very interested in any kind of gothic & lolita related stuff. Because it's about the original Japanese fashion style, I'm not really allowed to write something about the gothic & lolita culture outside of Japan - except for the introduction!

I'm quite surprised how many oversea people are fans of the gothic & lolita fashion style. Especially in France and Paris, there seems to be a huge scene! (At least, the famous label BTSSB opened the first oversea shop in Paris)
So, the interesting thing I found is a book called
Gothic Lolita : Princesses d'aujour'hui

As I can't read French very well, I just can guess... a very cute illustration book about a Gothic Lolita living in France. I really wonder why there are so many fans of Gothic & Lolita fashion outside, they also published an English version of the Gothic & Lolita Bible!