
International driver's licence for Japan

One week left...! I'm a little bit nervous, because there still are a lot of things to do in Austria before I can go to Japan.

Yesterday, I got my international driver's licence!
In Austria, there is no problem to get the IDL for Japan. It doesn't really need time either! My boyfriend made an IDL for Austria in Japan and it took him a week or so to get it and costed about 5,000 Yen, as far as I remember.
On the other side, in Austria it costs about 14,10 € (if you're member at ÖAMTC, Austrian automobile club; if not, it's about 24 €) and takes a few minutes. You can use the IDL one year minus one day and the woman at the counter was really friendly (as she is not Viennese but from Graz, I suppose >:D) and said, that Japan is a very interesting country and wished me good luck for my journey.

I'm not really planning to drive a car in Japan for several reasons. First, it's too expensive. The highway's road charges are immense, e.g. a distance about 200 km costs about 5,000 Yen, and the parking around Tokyo can cost about 25,000 to 50,000 Yen per month (not in a garage, but outside on the streets). Second, I don't really want to drive on the "wrong" side, that means, I'm afraid to build an accident because of the left-hand driving. Maybe I'll get used to it some day. Third, around Tokyo - or let's say, if you're not living in the country side like Akita or Sendai - a car needs more time than the train. It's the same story in all big cities over the world, isn't it?

However, having an international driver's licence can be useful - as an identity card. You don't have to take your passport with you all the time! And for the job hunting, the IDL can also be useful. I guess it's the same in each country. Having a driver's licence means for the further employer, that you're an "independent" person, it's a good qualification. (Doesn't matter if you're having to drive a car in your further job or not!)

So, only one week left - still a lot to do! I'll working hard on it! :D

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